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The Clock Is Ticking — Alert the Authorities!

Saturday 12/31/2005 3:56 PM

There are a number of things I've promised to write about on this blog, but never got around to it. One of those items is my re-disocvered love of television programming by way of three different technological advances that have graced my life this year:

It's that first one item on my list though (On Demand) that has provided your image of the day. In their Something Weird section, I found a collection of bygone holiday matinee ads with the following description:

Nothing like a bunch of celebrities hitting you up for money in this collection of ads including "Merry Christmas", "Happy New Year", "Jack Lemmon for Christmas Seals", and "Doris Day's Christmas Message"! Pass the collection plate.

Imagine my delight when I saw that one of the New Year's specials declared that December 31st for whatever year it for was on Saturday — that clinched it for your image of the day. A quick check of the years' past calendars suggests that maybe this was for December 31st, 1955.

Anyway, I'm off to the dog park with the boys. It's a beautiful day with the outside temperature hovering just a nudge below 80°.

See ya next year!

File Under: Holiday; Technology; Television
Music: Tori Amos "The Original Bootlegs"

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