Unmeaning Flattery
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File Under: Birthday
- Happy Birthday, Dad! (04/05/2012)
- Happy Belated Birthday, Dad! (04/07/2011)
- The Daily Coyote (08/05/2009)
- For My Sister (08/02/2009)
- The Old Forty (05/26/2009)
- Overheard at Breakfast (05/27/2008)
- Happy Birthday, H. R.! (02/05/2008)
- Happy Birthday, Chaunce! (01/17/2008)
- And the Quarterback Is Down (08/15/2007)
- Happy Birthday, Boo! (08/02/2007)
- Minolta X-7A (07/12/2007)
- Wagging My Tail (to the Right) (05/01/2007)
- Happy Birthday, Dad! (04/05/2007)
- Happy Birthday, George! (03/28/2007)
- FIRE!! FIRE!! (03/26/2007)
- Tears Almost (02/05/2007)
- A Favorite Picture (01/17/2007)
- Something Quick (11/29/2006)
- A Bad Seem (11/19/2006)
- No Core Like The Hardcore (08/20/2006)
- Not Enough Bats (07/12/2006)
- Dinner In Park City (05/01/2006)
- Alex Is Seven Years Old! (04/12/2006)
- With My Dad (04/05/2006)
- The Newest Member of Young Future Death Cult Leaders of America (02/23/2006)
- Space for My Tuber (02/21/2006)
- Happy Birthday, Brady! (01/05/2006)
- Waiting Impatiently (12/13/2005)
- The Worst Son in the World (11/27/2005)
- A Tint of Trauma (10/23/2005)
- Happy Birthday, Sweetie! (09/19/2005)
- A Recycled Birthday Greeting (08/02/2005)
- My Coolest Sister (08/02/2005)
- Happy Birthday to Me — A Day Late and A Week Early (05/26/2005)
- Kill Your Television (04/13/2005)
- Happy Birthday, Alex! (04/12/2005)
- Anarchy in the UA (04/11/2005)
- Happy Birthday, Dad! (04/05/2005)
- Grandma's Birthday! (02/27/2005)
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